What is a Natal Chart?

We are all born with a unique natal (birth) chart, just like our fingerprints which is based on the exact date, time and place of our birth, and is completely specific to us. Your chart is essentially like a photograph of the solar system at the exact moment you were born and serves as a cosmic navigational map of your souls’ purposeful journey here on earth.

The natal chart displays the planets uniquely placed within your chart in a wheel with 12 signs of the zodiac.

These 12 areas are referred to as “houses”, each indicating the type of experiences you will have in the aspects in which the house represents. It is encoded with your personality characteristics, life’s patterns, cycles, soul’s intentions and so much more.

The Natal Chart provides a holistic view of your personality, and it indicates important lessons you desired to learn in this incarnation for all those who take into account previous lives, and the evolutionary path of your soul.

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